

> 입학안내 > Aged Care > CERTIFICATE III
Certificate III In Aged Care / AQF3

National Qualification Code: CHC30208
CRICOS Course Code: 073874A
CRICOS Course Duration: 26 Weeks
Delivery weeks: 18 Weeks

Course Aims

This qualification provides knowledge and skills to carry out activities to maintain care and other activities of living for people in an aged care setting, and carry out activities related to an individualized plan. The workers at this level reports directly to a supervisor and not responsible for other workers.

Career Opportunities

Occupational outcomes for this course may include

  • Accommodation Support Worker
  • Assistant in Nursing
  • Care Assistant
  • Care Worker
  • Community House Worker
  • Home Care Assistant
  • Personal Care Giver
  • In-home Respite Worker
  • Personal Care Worker
  • Support Worker

Work Placement

Satisfactory completion of at least 100 hrs of work placement is mandatory for the successful completion of the course. Student will be placed at various residential care facilities by AICL.

There will be 30 hours of orientation/practical demonstration sessions prior to the actual work placement. These sessions will be held from week 2 until week 5. After 30 hours sessions students would be working at various residential care facilities for one day a week to complete required 100 hours of unpaid work experience which will begin in week 6 of term 1.

An AICL trainer/assessor will be present through the work placement to assess student performance progress as part of assessment of the practical components of the course. AICL will pay the necessary costs relating to workplace insurance cover for the work placement. However, student must organise Australian Federal Police clearance and vaccination record card for Health care workers/students before delivery of the practical component.

Teaching Methods

Delivery of this program has a focus on the development of professional knowledge and workplace skills. This course is designed for the concurrent development of theoretical knowledge and practical work skills. Students will be undertaking lectures and practical demonstration sessions at various residential care facilities. The combination of knowledge and skills development undertaken concurrently provides for future competent performance in the workplace.

Enrolment And Tuition Fees

Enrolment fees: AUD$ 200
Tuition fees: AUD$ 7,000
Material fees: AUD$ 500
(includes text books cost, uniform, supervised unpaid clinical workplacement and insurance cover for the work placement)

Sample Timetable

The following sample timetable is based on full-time studies, which constitute a minimum of 20 hours per week. The timetable may vary at times and subject to change without prior notice.

Time DAY 1
8:00 – 16:00
8:00 – 16:00
8:00 – 16:30
Morning Training & Assessments >Training & Assessments Work placement
8 hrs/week
Starts on Week 6 of term 1
Qualification Structure

14 Competency units are required to attain Certificate III in Aged Care

  • 10 Core units and
  • 4 electives

Core units

Support older people to maintain their independence CHCAC317A
Work effectively with older people CHCAC318B
Provide support to people living with dementia CHCAC319A
Work effectively in the community sector CHCCS411B
Provide support to meet personal care needs CHCICS301A
Participate in the implementation of individualised plans CHCICS302A
Support individual health and emotional well being CHCICS303A
Follow safety procedures for direct care work CHCOHS312B
Deliver care services using a palliative approach CHCPA301B
Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context HLTAP301B


Apply first Aid HLTFA301C
Use targeted communication skills to build relationships CHCCOM403A
Assist clients with medications CHCCS305B
Work within the legal and ethical framework CHCCS400B
Assessment Methods

The emphasis of assessment is on collection of evidence, through holistic assessment against the unit performance criteria and trainer/assessor judgment. The focus is on the integration of areas of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and right work attitudes.
Following assessment methods will be used:

  • Closed book assessments
  • Practical exercises and demonstrations during placements
  • Portfolios/ work placement logbook
  • Clinical skills assessment during placement

Normal learning and assessment will take place in an integrated classroom and real workplace environment.
